1 أستاذ مشارک بجامعة شهید بهشتی
2 خریجة جامعة شهید بهشتی و ماجستیر فی اللغة العربیة وآدابها
تُستعمل کلمتا (لیس) و (لایکون) فی اللغة العربیة بصور مختلفة، و مازال بعضها غیر معروف عند کثیر من الباحثین. فمن الأمثلة علی ذلک، استعمالُ (لیس) فعلاً تاماً متصرفاً موجباً، و مثل هذه الظاهرة اللغویة جدیرة بالبحث والدراسة. و قد اهتمّت هذه المقالة ببیان هذه الاستعمالات، و تقدیمها للباحثین تقدیما میسّراً؛ و توصّلت إلی أنّ (لیس) تأتی علی خمسة أنواع: فعل تام متصرف موجب، و فعل ناقص، و أداة استثناء، وحرف عطف، و حرف نفی؛ وأنّ (لایکون) علی نوعین: فعل متصرف، و أداة استثناء
عنوان مقاله [English]
Applicable role of Laisa and Layakun in the Arabic grammar
نویسندگان [English]
- Mohammad Ebrahim Khlifeh Shushtari 1
- Zahra Khodaii 2
چکیده [English]
Since the verbs of and have similar use and play an important role in Arabic grammar, it was useful to study both and discuss about their functions. Following the discussion we found that there is five different functions for :first, it is an imperfect verb, (that give the noun an nominative case and the comment an objective case) Arabic grammar experts disagree if it has a verb function or a noun one. Second, as exceptive particles with maintenance its verb function (give the noun an nominative case and the comment an objective case) that here comment is an except. Third, it is used as a conjunction that make negative sentence. Forth, it has a negative function that means (Ma). Fifth, it can also be used as a conjugated perfect verb that was not common place in Arabic grammar books, but we mentioned that function according to khalil Ebn Ahmad Alfarahidi.
Quoting the reasons of grammarians about if it has a verb function or a noun function, we have concluded the discussion. We also identified the functions of : First, it is applying as a conjugated verb. Second, it apply as an exceptive particle, as it is a non-derivative verb that its comment is an except. We hope that paper be useful in Arabic grammar.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- Exceptive particles
- Imperfect verb
- Laisa
- Layakun