نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه اصفهان

2 دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه اصفهان

3 استاد گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه اصفهان


محمدعلی شمس‌الدین ازجمله شاعران نوپرداز معاصر لبنان است. اشعار او به سبب آشنایی با ادبیات و مکاتب غربی و همچنین علاقه به عرفان شرقی، سبکی ویژه دارد. شمس‌الدین در زندگی شعری خود به شعر سوررئالیستی رؤیاورد؛ به‌گونه‌ای‌که بیشتر اشعار او بر پایة سبکِ مبتنی ‌بر ناخودآگاه شکل گرفته ‌است. او خود را شاعری ماورایی می‌داند که چکامه‌هایش در عالم غیب ریشه دارند. در این پژوهش با بررسی شناسه‌های سوررئالیسم در شعر  محمد علی شمس‌الدین چنین می‌توان دریافت که سه مؤلفة «نگارش خودکار» و «جنون» و «رؤیا» در اشعار این شاعر نمود درخور توجهی دارد.  تاکنون پژوهشی دربارة سوررئالیسم و نقش آن در اشعار این شاعر ارائه نشده‌است؛ به همین سبب پژوهشگران در این پژوهش کوشیده‌اند تا افزون‌بر نشان‌دادن تأثیرپذیری این شاعر از عرفان ایرانی ـ اسلامی، سه مؤلفة سوررئالیسم را در اشعار او بررسی و تبیین کنند. معاصر بودن محمد علی شمس‌الدین با پیدایش مکتب سوررئالیسم همراه با تمایلات عرفانی، بر شاعر بسیار تأثیر گذاشته ‌است؛ به‌گونه‌ای‌که گویا اشعارش را در حالت ناخودآگاه و بی‌خویشی می‌سراید. با آشکارکردن نمودهای مختلف از سه مؤلفة سوررئالیسم (جنون، رؤیا، نگارش خودکار) در اشعار محمد علی شمس‌الدین، افزون‌بر معرفی اندیشه و نگرش شاعر، به شناخت گوشه‌ای از سبک شعری این شاعر نیز کمک خواهد شد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

An Investigation of the Three Features of Surrealism in the Poetry of Mohammad Ali Shams al-Din

نویسندگان [English]

  • fahimeh mirzai jaberi 1
  • sardar aslani 2
  • seyyed reza soleimanzdeh najafi 2
  • hosean aghhosini 3

1 Phd Student of Arabic language and literature, University of Isfahan

2 Associate professor, Department of Arabic language and literature, University of Isfahan

3 Professor, Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan

چکیده [English]

Mohammad Ali Shams al-Din is one of the contemporary modernist poets of Lebanon. Due to his familiarity with Western literature and literary schools and his interest in Eastern mysticism, his poetry is of a unique style. His contemporaneity with the emergence of the school of surrealism, along with his mystical tendencies, has greatly influenced the poet so that his poems seem to be written unconsciously. Considering that he turned to surrealism, his poetry is written unconsciously as surrealism is based on the unconscious. He considers himself to be a poet of the supernatural whose roots lie in the universe of the unseen. One of the most prominent manifestations of surrealism in his poetry is the domination of dream over all of his poems. Revealing different aspects of the three features of surrealism, which are insanity, dream and automatic writing, in the poems of Shams al-Din, in addition to introducing the poet’s ideas and attitudes, helps identify his poetic style. The necessity of this study is underlined by the fact that, so far, no comprehensive research has been done investigating the way surrealism, as a literary school which originated in the West, and an Eastern thought, that is Iranian-Islamic mysticism, influenced Shams al-Din’s poetry. So, this article endeavors to demonstrate that Shams al-Din has been under the influence of Iranian, Islamic, and Arab culture and civilization in his surrealistic tendencies and style. It is also noteworthy that autobiography is one of the methods that Shams al-Din uses to express his inner experiences and mindset, especially in his mystical poems as this type of writing, i.e. autobiography, is based on the unconscious and is one of the main mediums employed in the school of surrealism. The present study, by scrutinizing the surrealistic factors in Shams al-Din’s poetry, contends that the three features of surrealism have crucial roles in his poetry.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Mohammad Ali Shams al-Din
  • Surrealism
  • Automatic writing
  • Insanity
  • dream
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